

  1. 1.For All We Know
  2. 2.It Only Happens When I Dance With You
  3. 3.Vanity
  4. 4.Go Away, My Love!
  5. 5.Undecided
  6. 6.A Sunday Kind Of Love
  7. 7.Somebody Else Is Taking My Place
  8. 8.I Had The Craziest Dream
  9. 9.What A Difference A Day Made
  10. 10.Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe
  11. 11.Tampico
  12. 12.Sentimental Journey
  13. 13.Any Old Time
  14. 14.And The Angels Sing
  15. 15.More Than You Know
  16. 16.The Dipsy Doodle
  17. 17.Lonely And Blue(Bonus Track)
  18. 18.Yours Sincerely(Bonus Track)
  19. 19.Long,Lean And Lanky(Bonus Track)
  20. 20.Too Bad(Bonus Track)
  21. 21.Too Late To Be Sorry(Bonus Track)
  22. 22.It's A Mean Old World(Bonus Track)
  23. 23.Tall,Dark And Handsome(Bonus Track)
  24. 24.Let's Try Again(Bonus Track)
  25. 25.The Stars,The Night,The Moon(Bonus Track)
  26. 26.That Pyramid Jazz(Bonus Track)
  27. 27.I Hate Rock And Roll(Bonus Track)
  28. 28.What Is There To Say(Bonus Track)
  29. 29.Interview(Bonus Track)
  30. 30.Everything Happens To Me(Bonus Track)
  31. 31.Interview Continues(Bonus Track)
  32. 32.Mountain Greenery(Bonus Track)
  33. 33.Makin Whoopee(Bonus Track)
  34. 34.In The ・・(Bonus Track)