
  1. 1.Jeruvian
  2. 2.Baroque (Choral Prelude)
  3. 3.But Happy (Fugue IV)
  4. 4.Misty Window
  5. 5.Warm Cradle
  6. 6.Garden in the Rain
  7. 7.Soon
  8. 8.Winky
  9. 9.Will I Know
  10. 10.Jazzbelle
  11. 11.A Watchman's Carroll
  12. 12.Everything Happens to Me
  13. 13.Let's Get Away From It All
  14. 14.Look for the Silver Lining
  15. 15.Sacre Blues
  16. 16.You Go to My Head
  17. 17.Line for Lyons